
SAFETY (Equipment & Procedures) Quiz

It is highly recommended that you master this quiz with a final test score of 100%, prior to scheduling your final exam.
*You will have a better test day outcome if you do this*

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

The Code of Federal Regulations CFR Title 46 states that life preservers should be:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

You have had to abandon ship. When boarding a life raft what is one of the first things you should do?

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

The acronym “EPIRB” stands for:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

The minimum amount of lifesaving equipment required on an uninspected vessel over 85 feet is:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

In an emergency situation a person may need to be treated for shock. What would the treatment be?

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

Treatment for a diabetic suffering from insulin shock would consist of administering:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

What type of wound would be caused by penetrating the skin with a sharp instrument?

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

The best way to stop bleeding from a vein would be:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

If a person suffers from a third degree burn it:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

If a person suffers from bleeding from an artery, it would be indicated by:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

You see a person fall overboard and yell “Man Overboard”. You should:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

You are driving a small boat when someone falls overboard. If you do not know which side they fell in, you should:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

The first action that should be taken for a choking victim is:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

All of the following are symptoms of shock except:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

If a person remains in shock they may die:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

Which of the following would indicate a second-degree burn?

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

You are driving a boat when a “man overboard” occurs on your port side. You should:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

After a ship sinks, what is the best procedure when all survivors are in the lifeboats?

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

Purifying water can be done using what chemical?

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

Which of the following would be the best place to store life preservers on a vessel?

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

You are out at sea and must abandon ship. It is important that the crew members:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

When abandoning ship by jumping from a great height, you should:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

You and your crew have abandoned ship and have cleared away from the vessel. The next action should be:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

According to the Code of Federal Regulations, any injury requiring more than standard first aid must be reported to:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

An emergency check-off list is required on vessels carrying six or fewer passengers for hire. The list must contain information on all of the following except:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

Distress signal smoke should be which of the following colors?

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

A rocket parachute or hand flare used at night to signal distress should be:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

An EPIRB should be tested:

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

From the date of manufacture, how long are flares and rockets good for?

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Category: OUPV – SAFETY – Equipment & Procedures

Which of the following would be the best procedure to use in a man overboard situation to return directly to the spot where the person went off the vessel would be:

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