
SAFETY (Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea) Quiz

It is highly recommended that you master this quiz with a final test score of 100%, prior to scheduling your final exam.
*You will have a better test day outcome if you do this*

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

The acronym “EPIRB” stands for:

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

If you are abandoning ship and have to jump in the water how should your legs be?

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

After abandoning ship, the survivors in the water should:

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

According to the small passenger regulations, where should life preservers be?

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

According to the small passenger regulations, the number of approved life preservers on every vessel carrying passengers for hire shall be:

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

According to the small passenger regulations, which approved life-saving devices is required for each person on all motor vessels carrying passengers for hire?

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

According to the small passenger regulations, the maximum height life floats and buoyant apparatus may be stowed by tiers, or one above the other, is:

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

According to the small passenger regulations, the vessel’s name shall be marked on all life preservers and ring buoys in letters at least:

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

According to the small passenger vessel regulations, the EPIRB shall be tested by the licensed operator of a vessel:

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

According to the small passenger regulations, the service use of pyrotechnic distress signals measured from the date of manufacture shall be limited to a period of:

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

According to the small passenger regulations, how should life floats and buoyant apparatus be marked?

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

With the exception of those on short runs, all vessels subject to the Rules and Regulations for Small Passenger Vessels must carry which of the following in the pilot house?

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

If your vessel is certified to carry 50 persons you are required to carry how many life jackets, according to the small passenger regulations?

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

A vessel not limited to daylight operations is required, under 46 CFR Subchapter S, to be equipped with at least:

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

According to the small passenger regulations, what equipment aboard vessels is required to be marked with the vessel’s name?

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

According to the small passenger regulations, a ring life buoy is required on all vessels not limited to daylight service:

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

According to the small passenger regulations, how are all life preservers carried on board required to be marked?

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

If a person sees someone fall overboard and yells “Man Overboard” they should then:

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

When driving a small boat, if someone fell overboard and you did not know which side they fell in, you should:

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Category: MASTERS – SAFETY – Life Saving Equipment and Survival at Sea

You are driving your vessel and have a man overboard, port side. You should:

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