USCG OUPV / Six Pack / 6 Pack Captains License Course
- Features Captain Flynn Smith’s ( Awarded teacher of the year ) detailed explanations and over 30 years of experience.
- Expert assistance on your USCG Captains License Paperwork. We pride ourselves on making sure your USCG paperwork is done professionally, and Fast. Our job isn’t done until you have your USCG captains license in your hand.
- Unlimited access to our 24/7 Online OUPV / Six Pack / 6 Pack Captains License Course packed with video, audio lecture, practical exercises, diagrams, and Interactive practice quizzes to get you ready for the final exam
- Access to our telephone and email support with USCG, NMC licensed instructors
OUPV / Six Pack / 6 Pack Captains License Requirements
OUPV Near Coastal: This license is valid on vessels up to 100 gross tons and out to 100 nautical miles.
The OUPV Near Coastal Captains License also requires at least 360 days of documented experience in the operation of vessels, 90 of which must be gained seaward of the boundary line. 90 of the 360 days must be in the last three years. Experience gained prior to the age of 15 will not be counted.
Additional OUPV Requirements
- Obtain a ( TWIC Card )
- Minimum age: 18 years old
- Pass a Physical Examination
- Take Drug Test a unless enrolled in a USCG approved random drug testing program for at least 60 of the last 180 day5 days, and with no failure or refusal to participate in a chemical test for dangerous drugs.
- CPR/First Aid training
- Completion of Captains Marine Online’s USCG approved OUPV / Six Pack / 6 Pack online captains course
- Completed USCG Original License Application
All testing is done in our USCG Approved facilities
Upon successful completion of the OUPV / Six Pack / 6 Pack Captains course, the student passes our multiple choice exam, he or she will receive a certificate recognized by the United States Coast Guard. Simply submit, within one year, the original certificate along with your application package and applicable fees to the USCG Regional Exam Center. Upon their approval of your package, they will send you your original Captain’s License.
Course Objectives
Rules of the Road Time: 16 hours
Deck General Time: 7 hours
Safety Time: 9 hours
Navigation Time: 13 hours
Chart Plotting Time: 11 hours
Final Review Preparation for the proctored final exam.
Total OUPV Course Time: 56 hours