
PLOTTING (Set & Drift) Quiz


To complete the plotting quiz, you will need your chart, scratch paper, pencil, eraser, calculator, parallel rulers and dividers.
It is highly recommended that you master this quiz with a final test score of 100%, prior to scheduling your final exam.
*You will have a better test day outcome if you do this*

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Category: OUPV – PLOTTING – Set & Drift

The set and drift of tidal, river, or ocean currents refer to:

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Category: OUPV – PLOTTING – Set & Drift

Which term refers to the direction that a current is flowing?

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Category: OUPV – PLOTTING – Set & Drift

Which term refers to the speed that a current is flowing?

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Category: OUPV – PLOTTING – Set & Drift

You are at Stratford Shoals Middle Ground Light at 41 degrees 03.6 N, 73 degrees 06.1W heading towards New Haven Light at 41 degrees 13.3 N, 72 degrees 56.6 W. You are on a course of 38 degrees at a speed of 5 knots. The current is setting at 70 degrees at 1 knot. What is your Course to Steer (CTS)?

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Category: OUPV – PLOTTING – Set & Drift

You are at New Haven Light at 41 degrees 13.3 N,72 degrees 56.6 W at 08:00. You are headed to Branford Reef Light at 41 degrees 13.3 N, 72 degrees 48.4W. You are on a course of 090 degrees true at a speed of 6.1 knots. You calculate that you should arrive at Branford Reef Light at 09:00. Instead at 09:00 you are at Townshend Ledge Bell Buoy “10A”. What was the set and drift of the current?

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